Erik Groß: Recreate emotions

"It's important to make mistakes and take a risk sometimes."

Tell us about yourself.

29, from Germany and I´m a photographer. I also have a part time job as a sales adviser.

When and how did the film journey begin for you?

It was 2010 when I bought my first camera, a Canon AE-1. I´m so glad I made that step :D

What Could we always find in your gear bag?

A Nikon FM2 with some Tri-X and a 50mm Lens. Probable also an Olympus Mju II with some color film for the quick snapshots.

What camera makes you click?

My Nikon FM2 and my Pentax 67. I still want to try a Leica and find out what makes it so magical for so many people.

Who are your models?

Some models are friends and some are people I find interesting and characteristic. When I like someone and think he/she is photogenic I normally just write them along with my idea of what I want to do. That mostly works just fine. The main thing is that they don´t really have to pose or act a certain person. I want them to be themselves and I want to recreate the emotions during the shoot.

What inspires you most?

My friends who also shoot photos. Traveling is also pretty inspiring and talking to other creative people too. Besides that, of course photographers that I admire.

Do you have any advice for film photographers out there?

Trial and error! It´s important to make mistakes and take a risk sometimes. Just waste some film and sometimes you´ll get results you didn't expect, because you tried something new.

You can find Erik Groß here: