Everyday life on film by Sebastian Cvitanic

"Before shooting it's really important to talk about the person's background and what drives them in life."

Tell us about yourself.

I am 34. I was born in the south of Chile also known as Patagonia.

Most of my jobs have been retail related, and some commercial photography mainly done with a digital camera.

"Portrait of Koyo" Yashica124G / Kodak Portra 400

When and how did the film journey begin for you?

I discovered an "agfamatic" 110 format camera lying around the house in the late 80's and thought it was a magical instrument, 10 years later I was so into photography that I took a black and white developing workshop and that's where everything made sense to me.

"Man in Seattle" LeicaM6 / Kodak Portra 160

What Could we always find in your gear bag?

My Leica M6 and a couple of kodak rolls.

"Portrait of Katyanna" MamiyaRZ67 / Kodak Portra 400

What camera makes you click?

The YashicaMat124g with expired film is most likely my favorite. I also have a Mamiya RZ67 that I use mainly for studio work, then a Leica M6 for street photography and when I want to experiment I use a Polaroid SX70 and Holga.

"Allie & Hans" Yashica124G / Kodak Portra 400NC (Expired)

Who are your models? How do you interact with them before shooting?

I am extremely fortunate to have constantly wonderful people to photograph, connecting via social media makes the world smaller and I get to meet amazing artists. Before shooting it's really important to talk about the person's background and what drives them in life.

What inspires you most?

Everyday life, and everything that relates to it.

Which would you choose between black and white and colour film?

I choose both but mainly it would depend on the location, there are some places in Mexico that I keep coming back to where the colors are so rich and fascinating that would be a crime to capture them in black and white.

Do you think you will still be shooting film in 20 years?

Absolutely, hopefully more than ever.

"Abigail" Nikon F5 / Kodak Ektar 100

"Portrait of Claire" LeicaM6 / Kodak Portra 400

"Sariviya" Nikon F5 / Kodak Portra 160

"Portrait of Rebecca" Yashica124G / Kodak Portra 400

"Actress Allie Pratt" Nikon F5 / Cinestill 800 Tungsten.

"Helena" Nikon F5 / Kodak T-Max

You can find Sebastian Cvitanic here: