Film until the end of time, by Małgorzata Bardoń

"I feel attracted by pinhole photography so sooner or later I will make a camera from a shoe box."

Tell us about yourself.

I live In Poland, In Gdynia, a beautiful modern town located in the Bay of Gdańsk. I'm 37 and work in the Tricity School of Photography in Gdynia, where I coordinate the school's administration.

Marta, 18x24cm X-ray film, copied as an albumen print

When and how did the film journey begin for you?

It was years ago, in the 1980s. My Dad used to take pictures on film and we developed them in a home-darkroom in our kitchen. It was a magical experience. Like many others, I was later fascinated with the apparent ease of digital photography and abandoned film for some time. However, the more I take pictures, the more I am drawn towards the traditional photography or even to the historical, 19th century photography. Here I am influenced by Radosław Brzozowski, a master of 19th century photographic techniques and my life partner; just being together you can't help becoming soaked with oilprints, gumprints, albumen prints or ambrotypes.

Chełmsko Śląskie ; Ilford Hp5plus

What Could we always find in your gear bag?

A camera. The brand or model is not very important, I am convinced that it is not the camera that takes photos. After all, it has been rightly observed that the best camera is the one you have with you when you need it. I will use a wide angle lense in one way, a zoom in another; if I have a red filter, I will focus on the sky, if it is a blue filter, I will look for someone with freckles.

Marta, 18x24cm X-ray film, copied as an albumen print

What camera makes you click?

I don't have a dream camera. On a daily basis I use an old Minolta (film camera)and a digital Canon 70D, but I also use a Mentor Panorama (18x24cm LF camera). I feel attracted by pinhole photography so sooner or later I will make a camera from a shoe box. It is only a tool after all.

Chełmsko Śląskie ; Ilford Hp5plus

Who are your models? How do you interact with them before shooting?

I usually work with models that I find on modeling websites. We often do more than one sessions as we like working together. Often a session is really an excuse to meet and have a chat about life. And, quite often, people just contact me about pictures.

What inspires you most?

This is a difficult question. What inspires me depends on the time, the moment in my life. For sure it is art, paintings and photographs by masters, the surrounding world, architecture, and, first of all, people.

Do you have any advice for film photographers out there?

Patience is surely something you will need. Though, if I compare the time I spend editing digital and film photos, editing film scans takes less time than digital images. Also, film makes you take pictures in a different, more careful way.

Do you think you will still be shooting film in 20 years?

In all likelihood I will; even if film is no longer available, Radosław Brzozowski will teach me to make my own negatives. After all he has recreated the 19th century glass plate negatives.

Szczawno Zdrój; Fomapan 100

Rzucewo; Ilford HP5 plus

Jastarnia ; Ilford HP5 plus

Bytów; Fomapan 100

Chełmsko Śląskie ; Ilford Hp5plus

Monika; Ilford Delta 400

You can find Małgorzata Bardoń here: