Lee Whitehead: Film Noir

"I went and bought my first film camera that day and never looked back."

Tell us about yourself.

I’m 28 years old Photographer from Manchester UK

When and how did the film journey begin for you?

About 3 years ago I was doing some Street Photography in Manchester and met a Photographer called Mark Manzi, showing me his work he explained how using film had made him take his time when setting shots up and how having only 36 possible shots on a roll makes you consider what is worth shooting. I went and bought my first film Camera that day and Never looked back.

What Could we always find in your gear bag?

Very Little to be honest, a Canon A1 with a 50mm 1.4 and Tons of Film.

What camera makes you click?

I just sold it ! My Hasselblad 500 CM. I would have loved to have kept it but the expense of Medium Format Film just meant it didn’t get used enough so I sold it to somebody who will get the use out of it.

Who are your models?

Anybody with some Character or a Style that catches my Eye. It's been so random, from Models, Artists, Bands, Street Performers and lately I have been working with Pro Boxers and MMA Fighters which are perfect for high contrast black and white stuff. as for interacting I’m just myself I like to be relaxed about doing Photos, have a laugh with People and just enjoy my work.

What inspires you most?

I get a lot of Inspiration from Classic Movies. I love Film Noir, The old high Contrast Black and White film Noir style always seem to set a mysterious mood and I like how that dark high contrast style can completely transform a location or situation.

Any advice for film photographers out there?

Yeah, Social media is great for sharing your work but don’t base your perception of your work by how many likes your photos get. This will make you a people pleaser and stop you from finding new ideas. If you think something looks good stick with it and do your own thing! if people don’t get it that's fine but it's better to take risks than to just copy everybody else.

You can find Lee Whitehead here: