Meet Polina from Belarus!

"I just need to keep choosing and shooting"

Tell us about yourself.

My name is Polina, I'm 27, I was born in Belarus and lived there most of my life but now I'm located in St. Petersburg, Russia. I'm a facilities service coordinator.

When and how did the film journey begin for you?

I slowly started shooting film in 2010, really slow. I always knew we had a film camera in the house, my mum's Zenit E, but nobody really cared.

One day, don't remember why, I decided to dust off the camera and sent it to repairs. From those times we are good friends.

What type of film do you usually shoot and what made you choose it?

Usually I shoot with something nice and simple as Kodak Color, Fuji Superia, Fomapan or Ilford but at the same time I try all other available color films, slides or b&w films.

Generally it depends on conditions and effects I would like to get and yet I have many things to learn about film photography so I just need to keep choosing and shooting.

What camera makes you click?

My first pal is Zenit E, later I got the same one from my friend, because she doesn't use it anymore; then Smena 35 (mostly for double exposure) and recently I've received a lovely present – Lubitel 166B, whose photos I haven't seen yet, they aren't developed.

Between black and white and colour film which would you choose?

Difficult question! I can't choose, I like both types.

What lenses do you use?

Zenits have its standard suit – Helios 44 2/58. I'd like to get other lenses in future.

Do you make any experiments on film?

I don't know if Double/Multi exposures or homemade redscale films can be considered as experiments but I do this sometimes. I haven't done others yet (for example a film soup) but keep all known experiments in mind and just in a good time will try some definitely.

You can find Pauline Kishova here: