People and raw emotions. By Sara Van Handenhove

"There is a whole mental process behind every shot. And then there’s of course, the anticipation. The best part."

Tell us about yourself.

Hi, my name is Sara and I am 22 years old, I currently live in Montreal and I’m a student.

What was the first thing that interested you in analog photography?

Months after my parents split up, my father started dating a photographer and I was fascinated by her work. I loved going to her apartment because she is the one that introduced me to the medium. She let me come into her darkroom and also let me help her with the enlargement of multiple of her photographs. Since then, I always had an interest in analog photography and more importantly, the whole process behind it.

What camera makes you click?

I think in my heart, it will always be the Minolta xg-m as it was my first ever analog camera.

What do you focus on when shooting film?

I focus on people and raw emotions. I find that analog photography enables you to capture emotions like no other medium can. There’s something beautiful in the whole process. Unlike with digital photography, there is a whole mental process behind every shot. And then there’s of course, the anticipation. The best part.

What inspires you most?

People. Every one is so different and everyone feels so differently. It truly fascinates me.

Do you have a favorite analog photographer or website you would like to recommend?

I have multiple favorite analog photographers. Kelly Smith, Jimmy O’Donnell, Megan Barrett, Alfredo Ziano, Bron Gardiner and multiple others. I love the analog community on instagram in general. There are some really underrated photographers on that platform.

Do your photos reveal your feelings?

Photography is the only way I can truly express my feelings. I have a hard time expressing myself so photography is my only true way of communication.

You can find Sara Van Handenhove here:
