Peter Bartausky: People. They are the reason

"I have learned more from messing something up, than I have from actually succeeding with something."
Tell us about yourself.
I am 20 years old, I work half-time as a janitor and as a student at my community college.
I scratched the negative on this one, and I decided to scratch up the entire print!
When and how did the film journey begin for you?
Photography has always been a special thing to me. Growing up I had a point and shoot camera with me, and I just enjoyed going to stores and getting the pictures I took back. Although during my teen years film and photography faded away from my life. About a year and a half ago a friend bought me a Holga 120mm camera and my love for analog photography was rekindled. The same friend took me to my college’s dark room and showed me the process of developing film. I instantly fell in love with it.
About 6 months ago a couple friends and I created our own dark room, and it has been a tremendous learning experience.
What Could we always find in your gear bag?
My 35mm Pentax ME Super is a constant in my bag, and always a back up roll of HP5. My Vivitar 45 light
meter is also something I keep with me. As well as a 25 red 49mm filter, and a pen and notebook for notes on my shots. The lenses I keep with me are a SMC Pentax-A 1:2.8 135mm, SMC Pentax-A 1:4 70-210mm, and a SMC Pentax-M 1:1.7 50mm.
My Mother and Father. Two of the hardest working and loving people I know
What camera makes you click?
My Pentax ME Super is my favorite camera I have. I got it about a year ago, and I feel in love with the feel and simplicity of it.
Heather Nicole(writer and flutist)
Who are your models? How do you interact with them before shooting?
I use mostly friends when I need models. This is good because I know them well, so I know how to get a good shot of them. Some react well to music that portrays the mood I want, while others react well to key words and phrases, and they are able to get the pose that I want.
What inspires you most?
People do. They are the reason why I do photography. I believe that every person in the world was created in the image of God. And it blows me away that I get to capture that in a photograph. I love meeting different people on the street and take their portraits and learn about their life. Everyone is so different, but everyone is special too. Whenever I get a shot that expresses who that person is, whether that is their pose, what’s around them, etc, it is very special to me.
Do you have any advice for film photographers out there?
Never be afraid to fail and it’s not a bad a thing to fail. I have learned more from messing something up, than I have from actually succeeding with something. Many times I have messed up something, and it is very easy to get discouraged. However, look at the big picture and figure out what you could do better.
Film for me is not just about the end result, it’s also about the process. Getting your chemical temperatures right, correct timing, and printing can be a very enjoyable experience. Try to develop and print your film if it is possible for you!
Do you think you will still be shooting film in 20 years?
I sure hope to be, film has a very special place in my heart, and I don’t really see it leaving any time soon!
I have a blog, but truthfully I don’t really update it. So the best way to see my work would be on.
Portrait of another person I got the privilege of meeting wandering downtown Vancouver
Portrait of a couple I met while walking downtown Vancouver, Wa
You can find Peter Bartausky here: