Phil Kneen: A photographer fascinated by fellow humans

"From the moment I got the first role of processed film back, I was hooked."

Tell us about yourself.

I'm a 46 year-old, full-time photojournalist and portrait photographer. I live and work from the Isle of Man.

When and how did the film journey begin for you?

When I was 15, my dad was working in Saudi Arabia as a teacher, on one of his visits home he brought me a secondhand Olympus OM10 camera with a 50mm 1.8 lens. From the moment I got the first role of processed film back, I was hooked.

What Could we always find in your gear bag?

My iPhone 6s. I organise 95% of my work and projects via the internet, so I like to be connected at all times. I'm actually addicted to the internet, as a lot of my friends will confirm!

What camera makes you click?

The Olympus Mju 2, I have two of them. These cameras have, unfortunately, become very fashionable again, so prices have rocketed! I've just used the compacts to shoot the majority of a project I'm working on in 'The Jungle' (the migrant camp in Calais, France).
I also own and love the Pentax 67 and 105mm 2.4 lens - the lens is one of the finest pieces of glass out there.

Who are your models? How do you interact with them before shooting?

My models are anyone who'll let me photograph them! Sometimes models will contact me because they like my style of photography, sometimes I'll approach models because I like their 'look'. Before shoots I'll arrange everything in a 'group chat' with the model, my assistant, professional hair stylist and makeup artist and anyone else involved. I like to keep everything professional, but relaxed and informal.

What inspires you most?

People. I'm inspired and fascinated by my fellow humans! - my kids, my family, friends, people I don't like and people who don't like me - they all give me ideas for individual shoot and projects. I'm also inspired by the work of other photographers - August Sander, Diane Arbus, Jim Mortram, Peter Dench, Mario Testino... the list could go on for a long time, but my all time, absolute hero has to be William Eggleston - his work and his life both result for me in a man crush.

Do you have any advice for film photographers out there?

Understand and realize that film and digital are two different mediums - stop comparing the two as if they were the same. If you are shooting a project on film, just take a film camera - if you take a digital camera with you, it will become a distraction.

You can find Phil Kneen here: