Pilar Diamante: Dare. It’s not an easy road, but nothing in life is.

"Nothing is impossible, it will just take longer."
Tell us about yourself.
I am 29 years old, from Cordoba, Argentina. I am a visual artist specialized in photography and collage.
Canon AE1 50mm Fuji Velvia 200
When and how did the film journey begin for you?
I started photographing several years ago with my digital camera.
I have always been very curious of analogue cameras but it’s been no more than two years, though, since I fell in love with them. A friend gave me my first analog camera, a Canonet 28 and I started experimenting. After a while, I was able to get my hands on my favorite camera, a Canon AE1 and ever since, I can't stop shooting film.
Canon AE1 50mm Fuji Velvia 200
What Could we always find in your gear bag?
I work with very few stuff. I always carry with me my Canon AE1, one 50mm lens -i want to add a 35mm, and maybe a 24mm-, some photographic films and a little tripod for more stability.
Canon AE1 50mm Fuji Velvia 200
What camera makes you click?
I really love my camera. I find in it everything I look for. It works amazing, it's reliable and takes great pictures. I could say we have a great way of understanding each other.
Canon AE1 50mm Fuji Superia 400
Who are your models? How do you interact with them before shooting?
My models are usually my friends or people I know, so we have a really comfortable and relaxing shooting. We are used to going on adventures and I always take the chance to create a new material along with them.
What inspires you most?
I find inspiration in everything that surrounds me: love, hate, colors, textures, people passing by, light, injustice, power, global news. I am a very analytic person, so everything for me is an opportunity and an invitation to think twice, critique and express.
Do you have any advice for film photographers out there?
To dare. It’s not an easy road, but nothing in life is. And I think that’s the magic of it. That we have to work hard in order to get what we want, and on that path, believe in oneself and our dreams while doing something to fulfill them. Nothing is impossible, it will just take longer; so it’s important to stay on track with our believes and never stop creating.
Do you think you will still be shooting film in 20 years?
As long as film exists, i will shoot it. No doubt about it.
Canon AE1 50mm Fuji Superia 400
Canon AE1 50mm Fuji Velvia 200
Canon AE1 50mm Fuji Superia 400
Canon AE1 50mm Fuji Superia 400
You can find Pilar Diamante here:
Pilar Diamante