Polaroid and medium-format with Gabriel Diaz

I’m gabe! - a multi-format film photographer from east Los Angeles. Working professionally as a colorist in post production and closely with cinematographers to manipulate digital images, I shoot on film to go the opposite way and let the film stock and lenses organically produce shots. I tend to shoot on manual cameras and self-develop my C-41 and Black and White film at home, and use the Epson V750 scanner to digitize the negatives. I shot these images on my Pentax 67ii on Portra 400 and with my Polaroid 600SE camera with the now discontinued FP-100C peel apart film. My friend, Jessa, is a super talented model and we shot around her apartment complex using the environment around us!

If you wanna see more of Gabriel's work, check his Instagram

Or, maybe you liked the model