Speed Graphic portraits by Brantt Higa
Leading up to the shoot, I'm really nervous because 1; they're strangers. 2; I'm very introverted. 3; would be the first time I'm shooting strangers.

I'm a hobbyist/amateur film photographer who shoots a lot of portraits (I occasionally shoot weddings for friends but that's all digital. However, when I can, I'll try do some film shots for their engagements). I tend to dabble a lot in other genres. My preferred format is 4x5 but I do shoot 120 film occasionally and 35mm as well. I enjoy film photography because of the tangibility of the whole process. As I get older, I realize that I enjoy working with my hands.
I enjoy shooting portraits, but I am very introverted. I have asked friends to model but most of my friends do not want to or just have different schedules than I do. So what I did was went on social media and found a local modeling group and joined.
I posted a picture of my Speed Graphic and asked if anyone wanted to do some shoots (mind you the group is 99% digital shooters). I got a few responses and scheduled some quick shoots with them.
Leading up to the shoot, I'm really nervous because 1; they're strangers. 2; I'm very introverted. 3; would be the first time I'm shooting strangers.
To my relief, they were all wonderful models who made my job easier than I anticipated and they were all really intrigued by the Speed Graphic which helped break tension.
All shots were taken with my Speed Graphic on HP5. Lenses vary from a Rodenstock 210mm F6.8, a Graphex 127mm F4.7, and Dallmeyer Pentac 8" F2.9.
Find out more on b-higa.com or Instargram