Analog portraits by Marco Mancini

"Film is like poetry."
Tell us about yourself.
I'm 39 years old, from Rome, Italy and I work as a freelance photographer.
When and how did the film journey begin for you?
It started from inside, I was already working with digital cameras but I started to need something deeper than a file...and on january 16th I was walking in the center of Rome and I saw one of the coolest camera shops in Rome, where I found my first Hasselblad 500cm.
What drives you to keep shooting film?
Film is like a poetry. That's driving me everyday to shoot film.
How did the first roll of film come out?
It was a Kodak Tmax400 and I used it during a dinner with my friends asking all of them if I can do a portrait, the result was very good!
What do you focus on when shooting film and what inspires you?
Everytime I focus on someone my instinct is to take a big breathe and leave out the air slowy and in the meantime I realize what to focus on and where to's like stealing a little piece of their soul!
*** If you were to choose one roll of film that would be the last roll you would shoot, ever, what would it be and why?***
For sure I'll choose a Kodak TX400 because I really love the grain that that film has, it composes the photo without everything defined, it's the "big" tx grain that composes the picture!
What do you think is the biggest misconception of other people when it comes to shooting film?
More than misconception, I think that people are lazy and want everything now..immediately.
Who are the people that you take portraits of?
I love to take portraits of people that can give me something about their life, I start to talk with them and their stories inspire me...and everytime I take portraits of someone I always hope to reassume their life, their stories in those portraits!
You can find Marco Mancini here:,