Life in Indonesia, from Zuki Satudua

"As an explorer, this offer is something I cannot refused. And as a photographer, I want to see and feel my shots in film."
Tell us about yourself.
My name is Zuki Satudua. I am a male, 40s, from Indonesia. I am an engineer, an explorer who enjoys art. I have been shooting with digital (my first camera is Nikon D70 DSLR) for the last 8 years. Until now my main gear is Nikon D700 DSLR and mirrorless Olympus E-M5.
As an engineer, I always fascinated with mechanics. On the other hand, I really enjoy listening analog music (from LP). I found it tells the truth, and not trying to 'make' the sound of the singer or the music.
When and how did the film journey begin for you?
A friend of mine introduced me to film 2 months ago. He offered me few rolls of film. As engineer I love to know how the camera film works. As an explorer, this offer is something I cannot refused. And as a photographer, I want to see and feel my shots in film.
So here am I, I have been shooting 3 rolls of film, mostly expired ones. I borrow camera body from other friends, Nikon EM and Nikon FM2. The FM2 lightmeter doesn't work, so I have been using my smartphone to work as lightmeter. And it works. As for the lens, I am using Nikon 35mm f2 AIS. Great lens, great view, perfect for street photography.
What fascinates me so far, is the waiting and surprise games. When you press the shutter, there is no way for you to see the result. You have to wait until you complete the roll. Then you have to process and scan/print it to be able to see the result. The greatest surprise is when you finally see the result. It is totally different from digital. The dynamic range, the authentic look, the feel. Even in your bad shot, you can see how original it is (please note that I have been worrying with the progress of digital camera, their engine become more and more 'sophisticated' and somehow feel not real).
What type of film do you usually shoot and what made you choose it?
For the last roll, I used an expired Kodacolor 200. I found the blueish color added authentic look to my shots. Photos I included here are from this roll. Love them! My friend gave me a black and white film, I am waiting for my mood to shot with it.
What camera makes you click?
As this is beginning of my film journey, I am very much looking for it. I am trying to get a body for me - perhaps a good FM2 or FM2 along with a simple small cute rangefinder - ,I got few Kodak Porta 400 films, BW film and endless subject on earth that I am trying to picture it within my frame :)