Instant moments with Sarah Elise Abramson

"Instant film will forever and always be very unpredictable"

Remember Sarah Elise Abramson? We posted her article a while ago and now it's time for another one!

When and how did you discover instant film?

I honestly don't remember how I discovered instant film. I think I was already doing work in the darkroom when I found out that Polaroids could function as a usable and fun medium. I would just take photos of my friends and my feet and things like that.

What type of instant film do you usually shoot and what made you choose it?

Time Zero is the best instant film I've ever used but is now pretty impossible to find. I know it's expensive, but I really do love Impossible Projects film. That's what I usually shoot with when shooting instant film. Instant film will forever and always be very unpredictable but their colors are great and I have them to thank for keeping instant film something I can still use. All the 600 Polaroid film is way too yellow now.

What camera do you use?


Do you have any rituals when shooting or scanning?

Yes. Many actually. I have several different ways I tend to shoot but that varies a lot more than the way I scan film or a Polaroid. I'm really OCD about it. I get really uncomfortable and anxious if I can't scan the film/Polaroid immediately after i shoot.

Who are your models?

My models are my friends. They are all amazingly talented and special people themselves and I feel lucky that I get to collaborate with them on these shoots.

If you had 1 pack of instant film right now and 30 minutes to shoot it all, what would you shoot?

Whatever seemed most interesting to me at the moment. Although, this changes rapidly throughout the day..everyday. Right this second though, I'd have to say all the things I can see blowing in the wind outside. It's quite windy today and trees and drapes look excellent when it's windy.

You can find Sarah Abramson here: