Maxime Garnier: Models

"The Rolleiflex! I could shoot film with it all day long, no doubts about it!"
Tell us about yourself.
Hey, I'm Maxime Garnier and I'm 28 years old. I work as a Human Resources officer and of course, in my free time I shoot film.
Canon AE1P / Ilford HP5+ 400 / E. Soto Workshop 2015 / Model : Jessica / MUA : Caroline Madison / Stylist : Yanina Nikitina
When and how did the film journey begin for you?
My film journey began near march 2015. My father used to tell me that he was storing his old cameras and that one day he'll show them to me. So one day I asked him to do so and we looked inside our garage through a lot of cardboard boxes. We found his cameras but also one that belonged to my grandfather. I grabbed everything I could and made some repairs.
Since then I've been shooting with those cameras every time I can and even included them in my workflow when working with models.
Zenza Bronica ECTL / Ilford Delta 100 / Model : Jelena / MUA : Alexandra
What Could we always find in your gear bag?
My grandfather's Rolleiflex ! Of course some rolls of film (my preference points to Kodak Portra/TX and any Ilford). I also always have a mini tripod and a shutter release cable in case my shutter speed would need stability. Some dust cleaning stuff also.
Olympus Om2n / Kodak TX 400 / Model : Coline / MUA : Angèle
What camera makes you click?
The Rolleiflex! I could shoot film with it all day long, no doubts about it! It's my first choice for everyday situations but curiously I still didn't use it a lot in studio work with models.
Who are your models?
I work only with agency profile models, even if until now I didn't work directly with model agencies. I'm sure it will become a reality soon. In the meantime I use online portfolio bases like Model Mayhem or to find my models. Many accept work aside from the agency but you have to show you are reliable and that you'll bring a plus to their book.
Olympus Om2n / Kodak TX 400 / Model : Coline / MUA : Angèle
Since there are a lot of persons on those websites, competition is high. To be taken seriously by the models I have a few lines I stick to : Before a shooting I always contact the model and tell her as much details as I can on the session I'm planning (where, when, how much time...).
I also show my work by giving the link of my website/book and provide more images if required by the model. And I have to act as a professional so I get involved with a set of persons who know their jobs therefore I always work with pro make up and hair artists or other creatives. I give all those elements to the model so they can make the choice of working with me or not with all the cards in hands. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. But by improving my renders with time I'm able to work now with models who didn't want to before.
Polaroid 320 / FP 3000B negative scan / E. Soto Workshop 2015 / Model : Anne-Claire / MUA : Caroline Madison / Stylist : Yanina Nikitina
What inspires you most?
I'm inspired by the work of other photographers and fashion editorials. Many great photographers inspire me and I'm experimenting to find my own photographic style. Since I'm a self-taught photographer, I also spend hours looking at behind the scenes videos, tutorials etc…
I attend workshops, I love to talk with other photographers. I think that after a certain stage in learning alone you have to confront your vision with others in order to still grow and improve your skills. Being surrounded by creative minds is really stimulating.
Zenza Bronica ECTL / Kodak Portra 400 / Model : Typhanie / MUAH : Emy
Do you have any advice for film photographers out there?
My main advice would be to never stop experimenting. Whether you are a novice or skilled photographer.
If You don't know film photography, try it ! Try new films, new processes... I'm happy to see that film photography is coming back, it allows many new things to happen like new film type development, new cameras coming out with modern technologies etc...
Zenza Bronica ECTL / Ilford HP5+ 400 / Model : Armony / MUA : Alexandra
You can find Maxime Garnier here: