Nicola Simoncini: A moment taker

"I try to always bring the camera with me: that's probably what makes me feel like a moment taker."
Tell us about yourself.
I'm Nicola Simoncini, 21 years old currently studying marine biology at university. I live in a small rural town called Recanati in the center part of Italy.
When and how did the film journey begin for you?
I started taking photos on film when i discovered analog cameras were cheaper; joking, I feel more connected to the subject when I shoot film, I can actually decide just the type of film and the rest is upon nature and people surrounding me.
What camera makes you click?
I got a Nikon D60 which is digital crap, I use that in order to get as much as information I can in order to work with my Kodak Retina IIIc, probably one of the best rangefinders of the 60's (thanks also to its Schneider Kreuznach Xenon optic, which is, by the way, extremely sharp)
What do you focus on when shooting film?
I try to always bring the camera with me: that's probably what makes me feel like a moment taker. I do not have particular subjects, I try to picture what I love the most.
What inspires you most?
Nature and internet. Probably my studies too.
Do your photos reveal your feelings?
I hope so. I guess that revealing its feelings is what makes a photographer, not just a picture taker.
You can find Nicola Simoncini here: