Candela Puyuelo: Explore and never be afraid of film

"Never leave your camera at home because you never know when or where you'll find your perfect subject. "
Tell us about yourself.
I'm Candela Puyuelo, I'm 18 years old, I'm from Barcelona, Spain. Actually living in Florence studying Fine Arts at the Florence school of fine arts, but my major is photography.
When and how did the film journey begin for you?
The film journey began for me in September when I bought my camera, it's a PENTAX K1000 and as soon as I started to understand how to use it and how to work in a darkroom I never got separated from my camera.
At school I just do black and white film but on breaks or free time i shoot with color film.
What Could we always find in your gear bag?
I always have my cameras in my gear bag , the film one and the digital one and some film. I normally have my computer to work on my digital photos, I'm starting to learn how to use Photoshop. I like to photographing people but I just kind of walk around always with my camera and whatever catches my attention I feel the need to take a photo of it. Now I'm working on a couple of projects but they are still not very clear.
What inspires you most?
When shooting I focus a lot on the composition and the right exposure, the contrast if I'm shooting in black and white or the harmony of colors if I'm shooting in color, I love to play with the settings and change the Fstop and the shutter speed to get the effect that I'm looking for. My subjects are normally things that I find beauty in.
What inspires me a lot is looking at someone else's work and see what I could be able to do with my photography if I keep practicing, working on it and experimenting. Also, traveling inspires me a lot, I love traveling and seeing new places and appreciate the beauty of new things and then going back home and being able to appreciate also the beauty on the everyday things.
Do you have any advice for film photographers out there?
And an advice that I would give would be maybe don't be scared by film photography, explore and don't be afraid that you might mess up or anything because film photography is a really beautiful world, oh and never leave your camera at home because you never know when or where you'll find your perfect subject.
You can find Candela Puyuelo here: