Falling for film, by Sandra Singh

Falling for film, by Sandra Singh
"I'm in a long term relationship with my 35mm Asahi Pentax Spotmatic and its 50mm 2.0 lens"

Tell us about yourself.

I'm a 25 year old photographer from Munich, Germany and study photography at the University of applied science Munich. I also do some social and creative workshops with children on the side.
Sandra Singh
When and how did the film journey begin for you?

I started analogue photography in 2012, making darkroom prints from a photoshoot with me modeling as a astronaut. We shot some rolls that day and I spent weeks in a tiny darkroom printing them. I found the process so enchanting, I couldn't stop. It took me another year to start as a film photographer myself though. Right now, I exclusively use film and hardly pick up my digital anymore.
Sandra Singh

What type of film do you usually shoot and what made you choose it?

I mostly shoot black and white these days, because I like developing my own film and often find color distracting for some concepts. Currently I shoot a lot of Kodak Tri-X again, and some Ilford Delta as well. For color I used to shoot so much Portra, I need a break from it right now. At the moment, I'm giving all kinds of Fuji films a go, Superia, Acros and Pro 400H. But I'm not very consistent with the brands I use. I love to experiment with all kinds of films, so I keep my fridge well stocked with expired film as well.
Sandra Singh

What camera makes you click?

I just went through a very obsessive phase with a Rolleiflex 2.8. It's a real beauty, both in design and mechanics. I love the soft and distant sound of the shutter, the viewfinder and how people react to it. It's a quiet camera for quiet, sensitve work. However, if I need a camera I can always rely on, I'd go with a Mamiya RB67 any day. They just work, work, work and 6x7 is the perfect format to me.
Besides medium format, I'm in a long term relationship with my 35mm Asahi Pentax Spotmatic and its 50mm 2.0 lens. It's such a underrated camera. They deserve more love. If you see one, please adopt and give a home. You won't regret it.

Between black and white and colour film which would you choose?

Black and white, always.

What lenses do you use?

On medium format I like anything between 90mm-130mm. With 35mm, a classic 50mm. And always apertures between 1.8-2.8

Sandra Singh
Sandra Singh
Sandra Singh
Sandra Singh
Sandra Singh
Sandra Singh
Sandra Singh

You can find Sandra Singh here: